In Search for a Long-Term Side Project

Well, Hacktoberfest is now over and I have completed the four required PRs for their T-shirt. With its conclusion, I think I have enough experience working with open source projects to understand their workflow. It is time to decide what to do next.

Right now, my current thought is to find one big project that I can continually contribute too while occasionally picking up little issues on the side. Without a deadline, I am expecting this to be more enjoyable than Hacktoberfest. However, I do want to make this a habit so I will set some relaxing deadlines for myself just to keep me on track.

My plan is to focus mainly on my classes Feed Planet project for now. It will be my first time starting a project with so many people. I am worried about how we are going to organize ourselves as it seems that everyone has their own thoughts about the project. Honestly, I’m just going to take up one part of the project and just focus on it and let other people handle the bigger decisions like how the website will be built up and its design. I probably will not assert myself unless I feel like we are going down a really bad route.

For my side project, I plan to look at VS Code and try to contribute to it as it was my initial goal. I feel like I can learn a lot from contributing to it and I feel far more confident now that I have finished Hacktoberfest.

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